P.B.N. Links

 Building a mass of links is an essential element of SEO website promotion. The more links from reputable sources that lead to your site, the better. The P.B.N. is a private, controlled resource network that you build yourself.


The process of increasing link mass from credible sources is complicated and expensive. Manually create donor sites - if not faster, then more reliable. In this case, you have complete control over the incoming reference mass since you own the satellites. And when you buy links, the fate of the donor is unknown to you and does not depend on you, as well as the link itself.


What is a P.B.N.?


A private blog network is a private, closed network of various sites. They all link to an advertised resource hidden from search engines. Usage of P.B.N. helps promote an area to the top in highly competitive niches.


In the second case, the situation looks like this: many sites have some information, indexed pages, and scattered outgoing links. And there is no suggestion that they are somehow related to each other. The task of the optimizer is to ensure that the search engine cannot detect that the private network of the site is being checked.


Advantages of a closed P.B.N.


·       donors are fully aligned with the theme of your site;

·       you are subscribed to every ancillary site and the link that leads from it;

·       your site is linked to resources with good metrics;

·       maximum mass transfer from sources to supported sources;

·       ability to modify and add content and links to each satellite.



Is it necessary for your project?

If your site belongs to a highly competitive topic, and the usual SEO methods do not give the necessary results, then the short answer is yes.


A network of private blogs is necessary to create a mass of links, one of the key factors in ranking sites. Such links are much stronger than those from forums, exchanges or outreach sites, which allows for a significant impact on positions in search results.


Why do you need to order a P.B.N. from us?


1. only trusted domains

We collect a database of domains, especially for your project, from various sources (mainly from auctions) using our automation: we filter spam and low-quality domains, choose the correct subject and language and remove pointers. Analysis and final selection are made manually.


2. only high-quality benchmark weights

Using our automation systems, we also check the backlinks of the selected domains in detail: the number and quality of "live" backlinks, the list of anchors, and their spam. If the link weight is low rate - we do not buy the domain.


3. no doors.

Be sure to check the history of each selected domain: if the history of parts were doors, pages with "strange" topics, carriers in other languages, or spammy fields, we do not buy.


4. no blocklists.

Naturally, we check if there are any Google sanctions against the selected domains. If they already exist or there is a possibility, we will not buy the field.


5. absence of dangerous sites.

If a domain is on the registry of unsafe sites, it is unlikely to be indexed. We do not buy such parts.


6. network belongs to you.

All selected domains are immediately registered to the new owner. We attach an SSL security certificate and hide the owner's details with privacy protection.


7. not satellites, but websites

We create a new website on hosting, unify the design template and perform basic SEO optimization of the website. We add unique and helpful content (no "SEO texts"). We connect C.D.N. (content delivery network) to increase download speed and hide the actual I.P. address of the site.


8. 100% indexation in Google.

If the page is not indexed after the completed actions, we will take steps to index it, and we will make a free exchange.



Why does P.B.N. work where conventional SEO does not?


1. Link from P.B.N. has much more weight than links from forums, blogs, and even reliable sources.

2. You have complete control over the link. You can remove the link, change the link, the page, and even the site link leads. In the case of purchased links, the site owner can unilaterally remove them.

3. PBN link quality can change when search engine algorithms change (in the case of purchased links, the rate can vary because of the large number of links sold from the site, poor quality content, and other actions of the site owner you have no control over).


So, there's just no risk?

Of course, there are, as with any link-building promotion. However, unlike purchased links, P.B.N. links are entirely controllable, which means connections can be removed or changed.


How can I make it as secure as possible?

·       WHOIS protection

·       A proxy to hide the actual I.P. address

·       No link between P.B.N. pages

·       only one link from each P.B.N. page to the promoted project

·       unique C.M.S. templates


How does Netpeak's P.B.N. stand out in the market?



We apply additional measures to reduce the risk of detection by search engines: we use different methods to hide the grid from search engines, choose domains with good indicators, and create informative and easy-to-read sites.



Knowledge and Experience

We have been engaged in SEO for many years. We have tested the scheme of creating P.B.N. sites on our content projects, and we know all the pitfalls of production. At the same time, we have never received a license from Google.



Not binding on the agency

Unlike other offerings on the market, we provide the entire P.B.N. with full access to the customer after production.



Customized Process

Using our in-house development and site search and selection automation allows us to launch quality sites in any subject and region quickly. It's faster and cheaper than setting up a similar process on your end.




P.B.N. support is possible on our hosting if needed. The service is discussed separately after the completion of the preliminary order.


Creation of website according to client's requirements

We adapt to your purpose. It is quite possible to develop websites according to individual specifications if standard offers do not fit.



Closed P.B.N.s create an external reference mass and optimize single project search tools. A total of three channels are available to create a single network:


1. Buying off-the-shelf websites.

2. Retrieving domain names of authoritative sites.

3. Registration of mini-sites on free large portals.


The main goal of the optimizer is to make sure that search engines and even real people do not suspect the existence of the web. The site should have valuable and varied content, but they will all lead to one resource and contain an additional link to the authoritative zone.


It is advisable to keep a table with dates, key indicators, and persons responsible for each process to control this network.




 Where to buy backlinks links?

SMM Heaven team of specialists offers you to use our services and order the creation of a turnkey PBN grid for your project.


 How to buy high-quality pbn links?

You can have quality and permanent backlinks as soon as possible through our website SMM Heaven. Our service offers quality PBN backlinks with premium hosting.


 How much do links cost?

You will find all the information you need on our website.